On-Demand Product Demo

Network Performance & Diagnostics for Today’s Organizations

duration icon38 mins

Workers, devices, and applications interact constantly each day to get the job done. But sometimes, network connection problems, device hardware, or some unknown issue conspire to reduce productivity. Learn how Absolute Secure Access' performance and diagnostics can help IT respond quickly to resolve the issue and get workers productive again.

Key Highlights

  • Specific troubleshooting and root cause analysis information enable IT to identify root-cause diagnostics, without relying on workers to run tests and answer questions
  • See how GPS and Wi-Fi location information can be used for more efficient troubleshooting and operating efficiency
  • Get real-time pictures of network conditions and usage to adjust policies for support better security and productivity

Based on its versatility, you can leverage the Absolute Secure Access product portfolio for a multitude of use cases across different stakeholders within your organization – all from a single vendor, helping you to conserve budget and allowing for simplified vendor management.

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July 16, 2024

2 mins
28 mins
Secure Access Presentation
8 mins

Featured Speakers

Bryan Embrey Headshot

Bryan Embrey

Senior Product Marketing Manager | Secure Access
Absolute Security

Scott Burge Headshot

Scott Burge

Senior Sales Engineer | Secure Access
Absolute Security

"During our rollout, we discovered a huge new feature – the ability to block or allow access to specific hostnames. Rather than blocking IP addresses, we can whitelist specific sites to further control the use of our iOS devices."

Carmen Payne, System Administrator, BATUS

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