Absolute Secure Endpoint Helps Bovis Homes Maintain GDPR Compliance

Bovis Homes Focuses on Endpoint Security and Asset Management to Solve Compliance Challenges

Bovis Homes Group PLC is a second-tier U.K. industrial company specialized in building residential developments and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The company employs more than 1,200 employees and temporary workers—many of whom work at construction sites and off the corporate network.

The Story

The Need For Visibility Across All Endpoints

Bovis Homes had a problem with missing endpoints. Due to a large number of temporary employees working remotely, devices often went rogue. From a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance perspective, lacking clarity on their security posture was concerning. Without knowing how many devices they actually had, the location of each device, as well as the encryption status, Bovis Homes’ IT team realized the company was at risk.

The organization had to make a change. It needed to find a solution that could improve the accuracy of reporting to show a true representation of its endpoint population and provide visibility of all its devices, whether on or off the corporate network. The IT team also wanted to be able to track, trace, and wipe lost or stolen devices and prove encryption is installed and working on all devices to comply with GDPR.

Security Needs

Return on Investment

Unparalleled Insights

GDPR Compliance

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The Solutions

How They Did It

Complete Visibility and Control Across Device Fleet

Initially, what intrigued Paul Baird, Bovis Homes’ IT Security Operations Manager, was Absolute Secure Endpoint’s unique endpoint visibility, control, and reporting capabilities. Baird said, “Here is this product that, if a device were stolen, would allow us to track and trace, then remotely wipe it.”

Improved Clarity on Security Posture

Engaging in a proof of concept took the company a step further and showed them whether their anti-virus/anti-malware was installed and up to date, as well as what the status of encryption was at all times on every device. “It’s standard for BitLocker to be installed on all of our endpoints,” continued Baird. “But if it’s not running, then it’s not useful, is it?”

With GDPR, the stakes are high—if a device is unencrypted at the time of a security incident, they would have to report it and face the potentially costly consequences.

Enhanced Reporting Helps Recover Older Devices, Improving Return on Investment

Absolute Secure Endpoint is a staple for all of Bovis Homes’ 1,000 devices. From an asset intelligence perspective, Absolute Secure Endpoint has allowed the company to see a return on investment for its technology. “We can now recover older devices that we were able to refurbish and reuse.”

"It takes a lot for me to put faith into an application. I have confidence that the stats Absolute is showing me are true to what’s going on across my device fleet. I believe everything it tells me."


The Results

Enhanced Security and Asset Management Helps Maintain Compliance

GDPR compliance was a huge concern before Absolute Secure Endpoint. Now, Baird has confidence that the company is taking all the necessary steps to be compliant and can remediate any incidents that could put the company at risk.

For Bovis Homes, Absolute Secure Endpoint:

  • Provides insight into the security posture of devices
  • Delivers return on investment for technology through improved asset intelligence
  • Aids compliance with GDPR requirements by enabling Bovis Homes to prove encryption is working on the company’s devices

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