GOAL High School Reduces Device Loss Rate by About 50% with Absolute Secure Endpoint

With Absolute Secure Endpoint, GOAL High School Ensures Students and Devices Remain Safe

GOAL High School is the largest high school in Colorado, with over 6,000 students, and is also the premier model for online education. GOAL combines online learning programs with in-person support at over forty student drop-in centers statewide and partners with Microsoft and Lenovo to supply cutting-edge technology.

The Story

Manage a Hybrid Approach to Education

As a multi-district online charter school, GOAL High School supplies devices to each of its students across the state of Colorado for the school year. After previously using Chromebooks and making the switch to Windows devices, GOAL High School needed to find an asset management solution that would allow its IT team to be able to track, manage, and freeze its over 6,000 device fleet if necessary. After receiving recommendations from their supplier, GOAL High School decided Absolute Secure Endpoint would be the best solution for this challenge.

Security Challenges

Uninterrupted Visibility

10% Loss
Rate Reduction

Resilient Endpoints
and Applications

"Absolute has done everything we wanted it to do and adding on new features has helped us move forward. It’s really good."


The Solutions

How They Did It

Take Control of a 6,000+ Device Fleet

With Absolute Secure Endpoint, GOAL High School now has complete visibility across its device fleet, whether on or off the drop-in centers’ network. With the ability to track its entire device fleet, GOAL High School has been able to locate devices and students. This functionality provides staff and parents the peace of mind that both students and devices will remain safe.

Ensure At-Risk Devices and Data Remain Protected

Even in situations when devices show up in various countries around the world, GOAL High School has peace of mind that their data is safe because of Absolute’s ability to remotely freeze at-risk devices. Dan Hinton, Technology Specialist for GOAL High School, shares that they’ve been notified that stolen devices have been formatted; however, with Absolute’s remote freeze capability, these at-risk devices remain inaccessible and protected.

Reduce Endpoint Loss Rate by About 50%

With remote freezing capabilities, GOAL High School can make all devices inaccessible that are not returned by July 1st of every school year. “We found out that we get a lot more computers back when they don’t work, it’s amazing,” says Hinton. GOAL High School will freeze on average 400-500 computers every summer and will get back about 50-60 percent of those devices; then, over the next school year, they’ll receive about 20-30 percent more devices. GOAL High School used to have a device loss rate of around 15% but since implementing Absolute Secure Endpoint, that loss rate is now down to 5%. “Cutting the loss rate of computers in half saves a lot of money,” adds Hinton.

"Our long-range plan is to use Absolute. Every once in a while, somebody will pop up and say, ‘we do everything they do’ and we investigate it, and they don’t. We have not found a competitor that’s been really close, and we have no desire to go shopping."


The Results

Make Devices and Key Applications Resilient in the Remote Learning Era

GOAL High School continues to expand its Absolute Secure Endpoint usage, recently leveraging Absolute Application Resilience to monitor some of its key applications’ health and behavior. Now, with Absolute Secure Endpoint, GOAL High School can ensure their endpoints, applications, and students remain safe.

For the GOAL High School team, Absolute Secure Endpoint:

  • Provides the ability to remotely freeze at-risk devices
  • Cuts device loss from 15% to 5%, providing major cost-savings
  • Tracks and locates missing devices, on or off the drop-in centers’ network
  • Monitors mission-critical applications behavior
  • Guarantees visibility across the entire device fleet

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