Reliable Mobile Connectivity Keeps Sheriff’s Deputies Safer in Coweta County, Georgia

Sheriff’s Office Overcomes VPN and Communications Issues with Absolute Secure Access

The Coweta County Sheriff’s Office serves the citizens of Coweta County, Georgia, and relies on continuous connectivity to ensure the safety of its deputies. To achieve this, the sheriff’s office needed a new approach.

The Story

Improving Communication with First Responders

Communication with first responders is an absolute must for sheriff’s deputies serving Coweta County. However, there was a time when a crashing VPN was causing frustrating communication outages that prevented front-line personnel from receiving vital alerts. This situation had the potential to leave deputies in a position where they could not be sure whether a vehicle’s driver was armed and dangerous. For the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, network connectivity was a mission-critical problem that had to be solved.

Security Challenges

Dropped Connections



"We’ve taken connectivity problems out of the equation, 100 percent."


The Solutions

How They Did It

Keeping Officers and Staff Safely Connected

The sheriff’s office found an answer to its problems in Absolute Secure Access. Connectivity is now 100 percent reliable, allowing officers and staff to safely stay in touch throughout the County. The mobile analytics capability in the Absolute Secure Access solution keeps the IT staff informed.

Facilitating Easy Upgrades with Policy Tools

Absolute’s flexible policy control features allow the Coweta County IT team to establish network access and security parameters for each device type and application. The team has fine-tuned access for specific applications, such as license plate readers. Policies in Absolute Secure Access streamlined the County’s migration from DVD-based to over-the-air dashcam systems. With Absolute Secure Access, the new wireless dashcams can optimize bandwidth efficiency so that video streams receive adequate priority without overwhelming the most essential traffic.

"I can easily track things like launch counts, usage details, battery status, terminations, and network errors. We have yet to see the ‘No logon servers’ message."


The Results

100% Connectivity Across All Networks Keeps Responders Safe While on Patrol

Coweta County replaced its crash-prone VPN with the dependable Absolute Secure Access solution, and now IT staff easily manage upgrades and monitor usage. Mobile connectivity is 100 percent reliable, keeping deputies safe while on patrol.

For the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, Absolute Secure Access:

  • Provides 100% connectivity across all networks, keeping responders safe while on patrol
  • Provides usage data on a single-view dashboard to quickly resolve issues
  • Facilitates easy hardware upgrades with policy tools
  • Prioritizes bandwidth for critical applications via patented technology

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