November 05, 2015
Data is the lifeblood of today’s digital businesses. Protecting it from theft, misuse, and abuse is the top responsibility of every S&R leader. Hacked customer data can erase millions in profits, stolen intellectual property, can erase competitive advantage, and unnecessary privacy abuses can bring unwanted scrutiny and fines from regulators while inflicting reputational damage.
In a Forrester Analyst Report hosted by Absolute, The Future of Data Security and Privacy: Growth and Competitive Differentiation, analysts discuss the challenges of managing data that can no longer be confined in a complex ecosystem of privacy-conscious customers, digitally native employees and demanding partners and suppliers, all fueled by mobility and cloud services. Perimeter-based security no longer applies. Data-centric security, where security is placed closer to the data itself, is the new reality.
In the report, Forrester analysts discuss how to define data, how to dissect and analyze data, and finally how to defend and protect that data. Forrester has its own Zero Trust Model of information security, one which never assumes trust and focuses on a unified approach to data protection, rather than one that focuses on silos such as network, identity, or application.
The report includes a detailed section on defending data, including the importance of access controls, inspecting data usage patterns to create alerts for suspicious activity (as we do with Absolute DDS), regularly disposing of data, or “killing” data with techniques such as encryption, tokenization and masking. At Absolute, we believe that layered technologies are the key to protecting data, but that it is just as important to prove that these technologies are working. If you can’t prove that data hasn't been accessed, or that encryption was functional, you cannot prove compliance following a security incident. That’s where Absolute DDS comes in to produce an audit log and to remotely recover or delete data from all of your endpoint devices. Learn more about our Risk Response options here.
Protecting data in today’s digital age is not just about being responsible, it can now become a competitive advantage that drives loyalty and retention. Download this Forrester Report to read about the future of data security and privacy.
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