Author: Neeraj Annachhatre

Technical Marketing Manager

Neeraj Annachhatre is Technical Marketing Manager within Absolute’s Product team. He provides customer and market insights for the Product Management and Development teams to leverage while leading go-to-market initiatives centered on the Absolute platform. Prior to Absolute, his work experiences include technical and managerial roles within the Cybersecurity, Semiconductor and Financial Technology industries in North America and Asia. He holds bachelors and masters degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and the University of Southern California respectively and an MBA from the Ivey Business School at Western University.

Check out Absolute Secure Endpoint 8.0 for enhancements to the Absolute Console’s navigation flow, additional Device Usage events, discovering sensitive files across endpoints with greater flexibility, contextual Geolocation information and additions to the Application Resilience Catalog.
- 3 min read
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